If at any time you require assistance at our convention, any of our personnel will be glad to help or take you to someone who can. All security will be wearing black button-up shirts with a variety of patches on them and “Security” written on the back. If you ever need them for any reason, please talk to them. If you can’t find one, you can go to the CoreCon Operations room (Ops), ask a Con Suite room helper, or ask a staff member. Our goal is to make CoreCon fun and safe for everyone so we ask all attendees to follow the following policies.
Weapons Policy
In the interest of preserving the safety and security of everyone enjoying CoreCon, attendees should be aware of our weapons policy and follow these guidelines. Those who ignore or disregard these regulations may have their convention badges and registration revoked without refund from CoreCon.
- No weapons or props that fire a projectile or fluid are allowed.
- No live ammunition is allowed.
- Realistic-looking firearms must be holstered, peacebound, and cannot be un-holstered under any circumstances.
- Non-realistic firearms must be holstered and peacebound if possible. Non-realistic firearms that cannot be holstered may never be pointed at any attendee under any circumstances.
- Weapons and props with blades must be sheathed, peace-bound, and may not be unsheathed under any circumstances.
- Any weapon that cannot be peace-bound is not allowed.
While North Dakota law allows concealed carry of firearms without a permit effective August 1st, 2017, CoreCon insists that no concealed carry weapons are allowed to be carried, even with a concealed weapon permit. Please store your concealed carry weapons in your locked vehicle or in a secure storage area in your room. Failure to follow CoreCon weapon policy can/will result in badge revocation and you will be asked to leave.
Costumes that bear similarity to actual law enforcement or military uniforms will be allowed to incorporate realistic firearms only during costuming events that specifically allow them. At no other time are realistic firearms allowed to accompany costumes that bear similarity to actual law enforcement or military uniforms.
CoreCon and Digital Grail reserve the right to amend these policies without prior notice and any ruling made by CoreCon or Digital Grail is final.
- Projectile weapons: Any prop or firearm that projects or expels a solid, liquid, gas or energy (including laser light) is considered a projectile weapon. Projectile weapons are not allowed.
- Peace-bond: A peace-bound weapon is tied to its holster, sheath, or similar container with a functional binding. This prevents anyone else from drawing your weapon and displays in a traditional manner that you are a responsible attendee. Peace-bond material will be available at CoreCon Ops throughout the convention.
- Marking: Non-realistic firearms and bladed props and weapons that cannot be sheathed (bat’leth, halberd, etc.) will have peace-bond material tied to it as a visible sign that it’s been approved by CoreCon security. Peace-bond material will be available at CoreCon Ops throughout the convention.
- On-duty law enforcement personnel are exempt from CoreCon’s Weapons Policy.
Curfew Policy
CoreCon respects the curfew policy of the city of Fargo. Minors under the age of 16 are not allowed to participate in CoreCon events between the hours of 11:00 pm through 6:00 am unless accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
After Dark
Any event labeled “After Dark” is considered 18+. Attendees are not allowed to partake in the event without a form of ID. These events may contain content that is considered disturbing to some individuals.
Lost + Stolen Items
CoreCon and Digital Grail are not responsible for misplaced, lost, or stolen items. If such items are found, they may be taken to the CoreCon Ops room to be entered into our lost & found. If you lose or misplace an item or something is stolen, check with the hotel front desk or CoreCon Ops to see if someone has turned it in.
In order to remain in accordance to the Fargo city ordinances, CoreCon Fansuites won’t be allowed to sell alcohol for money nor trade it for cups, stickers, etc. The following are current Fargo city ordinances:
Alcohol Sales
(CHAPTER 5-02 RETAIL LICENSING): 5-02-07.1: Sale of alcoholic beverages in exchange for goods prohibited. Any licensee engaged in the retail sale of alcoholic beverages who accepts goods, chattels, or other tangible personal property, other than money, checks, legal tender, negotiable instruments, or other evidences of debt, in exchange for any alcoholic beverages is guilty of a class B Misdemeanor.
Open Containers
(CHAPTER 25-15 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES): 25-1509: It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or consume any alcoholic beverage in any automobile, or upon any street, alley or public highway, including any public sidewalk or boulevard, or on any private property without consent of the owner or occupant within the city of Fargo. It shall further be unlawful for any person to possess any bottle or receptacle containing any alcoholic beverage which has been opened or the contents of which have been partially consumed.
The hotel does not consent to open containers outside the building and asks that no open containers are taken outside.
Clothing Policies
General Clothing
CoreCon requests that while in public area, including Fansuites, attire must cover at minimum what a swimsuit would cover. Thongs will not be considered appropriate attire. Breastfeeding mothers are exempt but Ops can help you find a quiet room if you would prefer one.
In order to promote public health and for our insurance policy, CoreCon does not allow attendees to attend any part of the convention without wearing footwear. We have no restrictions on the type of footwear worn since we don’t wish to interfere with costumes any more than necessary, but attendees will not be allowed to go barefoot at any time for any reason with the exemption of in the pool area.
Pool Area
The pool area is the only area that is exempt from footwear requirements. We ask that only swimsuits be worn in the pool. Undergarments will not be considered appropriate swimwear.
With the ongoing changes and regulations related to COVID, we are monitoring local, state, and federal guidelines and will be making the appropriate decision closer to con. We are committed to keeping everyone safe.
Go to https://www.fargocorecon.org/corecon-covid-19-policy-2022/ for more information.
North Dakota has a statewide ban on smoking in all enclosed public spaces and places of employment, including all bars and restaurants. This includes e-cigarettes and vaporizers. Smoking outside must occur more than 20 feet from the entrance of a public space or place of employment. CoreCon will have a designated smoker’s tent to help attendees find a good area to smoke.
Harassment Policy
Harassment of any kind is not tolerated. If you are feeling harassed or uncomfortable due to another individual or individuals, go to a Con Suite or Operations and inform CoreCon staff of the issue. CoreCon staff will investigate and handle the matter seriously, including possible repercussions. CoreCon staff will legitimize complaints and separate individuals or more if necessary. CoreCon is a family friendly event and would prefer that people conduct themselves in a family friendly manner during “day time” hours except in private or specifically marked 18+ areas. When taking a picture or admiring a costume, please be respectful of the costumed person. CoreCon requests that everyone treat each other with respect.
Asking for Angela
Asking for Angela is a discrete method used to request help in an uncomfortable situation. Originally used in bars and clubs to alert staff that the person was in need of help, CoreCon felt this would be a great way of asking for help without drawing lots of attention. Any CoreCon or FanSuite staff can assist you if you are feeling uncomfortable. Just ask them to help you find Angela.
Digital Grail and CoreCon would like to remind all attendees, guests and staff that we adhere to all local, state and federal laws. Violations of these laws will be reported to local police and can result in multiple consequences for anyone involved. Consequences can include simple warnings, badge revocation, removal from the hotel and/or being banned from CoreCon. CoreCon Consuls have final determination in the potential consequences for those involved. Remember that CoreCon wishes to ensure that all people can enjoy the convention!
CoreCon and the hotel staff reserve the right to revoke convention passes at our discretion.