Many at CoreCon love the amazing costumes that people bring to cosplay. Whether you compete in the Costume Contest or just like to strut your stuff in the halls, the craftsmanship really adds to the fun of CoreCon.  From noobs to masters, all of the effort that goes into costuming is appreciated and celebrated here. We support the professional clubs like the Star Wars 501st Legion, Rebel Legion and Mandolorian Mercs and their charity work. We also encourage new costumers to network with the experienced to help grow the community. Look for Cosplay panels to “level up” your skills.

Many people love taking pictures at con. Our vetted photographers will have a badge displaying “Photographer” so you know who they are. If you don’t like your picture taken just hold your hand up and our photographers will respect your choice. If any pictures of you show up on our social media or website and for whatever reason you don’t care for it, then simply message us or email and we will surely take it down.

We hope you enjoy the pictures taken by our photo team and if sharing please give a photo credit to acknowledge their hard work and dedication.

The Save-Point Photo room at CoreCon and Anime Fargo is to allow photographers of every skill level to work on their studio skills. It is a free collaboration to exchange thoughts and ideas. It is also great for Cos-players to work on their posing skills and get the photos that show off their costumes.

Here are shots from previous years.