We love movies!
For over a hundred years, movies have transported us to places and into stories that are simple, but overpowering; fantastical and amazing. We watch movies to take us out of, and give us insight into, the world around us. Con Flix has movies playing throughout CoreCon weekend and we even provide the popcorn!
All weekend long, we play movies that fit the theme of CoreCon.
If you have any other questions regarding Con Flix, contact us at conflix@fargocorecon.org.
You may have noticed that we don’t post the schedule on the website or other social media outlets. This is due to the licensing rights that allows us to show movies all weekend. However, we know you need to plan your schedule, so we would be happy to send you a copy of the Con Flix schedule when it’s available by providing your email below.
If you are interested in obtaining a copy of the Con Flix schedule, one can be found in your program guide, on signs at the hotel, or contact us at conflix@fargocorecon.org. This will be used to send the Con Flix schedule and nothing else.