Meeting new people. That’s why Matthew (or MJ to his friends) cosplays.
Some aren’t sure of the difference between costumes and cosplay. A cosplayer puts on the costume and also acts as the character they are portraying. When MJ puts on his Baymax suit, he isn’t Matthew anymore. Like a character actor, he takes on the persona. At conventions, he finds it easier to meet people with similar interests. People who know his cosplay will come up and talk to him about the show or costume, and it’s a great conversation starter.

Matthew likes to make props and costumes. Frustrated with a lack of money to buy all of the costumes he wants, he is learning to sew and make the things himself. His artistic talents have also benefited our local conventions as he helps with the project teams that help decorate the events.
Look for MJ at CoreCon IX: Monsters vs Mechs June 7-11 at the Baymont Inn and Suites of Fargo. He says he wouldn’t miss it for anything.
P.S. A few people stated complaints about people using the same costumes and winning both at CoreCon and their sister Con Anime Fargo. Both cons brought in outside judges from out of state who were fair and impartial and not even familiar with the other convention.